Another One of Those Days

There is really nothing quite as irritating as waking up to problems. Especially problems that spider outwards to cause problems in multiple locations. Sunday was one of those days. Luckily, I have a smart and talented girlfriend and by the end of the day it was just a matter of playing the waiting game. My project 365 photo for day 297 is of me while walking Buddy. Was a nice day. Too bad I had to spend it primarily inside.

Still Wet Here

I swear, if I did not know better I would think I was somewhere other than home. I do not remember the last time we had such a wet October. My photo of the day for day 296 of Project 365 is Buddy’s point of view on another rainy morning walk.

It Just Keeps On

If it is not one thing it is another would be a welcome relief. Instead it just keeps piling on. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. I guess I am glad that it is not all sun shiny and bright. It would totally conflict with my disposition. My picture of the day for Project 365 day 295 is a photo of the clouds that are parked over me lately.

Lethal Combination

Some things just do not mix well. You know, cats and dogs, scotch and orange juice, things like that. I am reminded almost daily that I should not bring alcohol and fireworks to the park. That is okay, I can wait on the beer. My picture of the day for day 294 is a reminder to not mix alcohol and fireworks.

Take Charge

Several weeks ago an acquaintance began talking about a healthy grain combination he was working on. He asked me if I would be interested in trying it out, since he knows I try to take reasonably good care of myself. Yesterday, I received a sample of it in the mail. It said I was to take a 1/4 cup in the morning, and mixing with yogurt sounded like a good way to go. My photo of the day for day 293 is my breakfast today, and what will be my breakfast for at least the next six days. Let’s see …

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California Highway 99 – Merced

Photos From California Highway 99 Merced, CA As we approached the border of Merced, the first thing I noticed was the red light of a Merced Sheriff’s patrol car on the frontage road along Hwy 99. As we got closer I noticed that there were three squad cars all dealing with one person on a bicycle. I do not know if this is a sign of extreme boredom on a Sunday afternoon or just an excessive amount of resources being used. I found the people I met and talked to in Merced to be very pleasant, even Gabe. I liked …

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Another Rainy Walk

I do not know what is happening with the weather around here. One might think this was Oregon or something with all the rain we have had recently. Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration, but it did remind me of a period a few years ago when LA had more rainfall than Seattle. I hope we do not have a repeat of that as I have no real plans of going anywhere for a while. My Project 365 photo for day 292 was taken while walking Buddy on another rainy morning.

California Highway 99 – Atwater

Photos From California Highway 99 Atwater, CA Atwater was a nice little town with many tree lined streets. Of the communities we visited, Atwater was one of Tanya’s two favorites. There definitely seemed to be a lot of civic pride and once downtown there is no question where you are with Atwater Trophy, Atwater Electronics, Atwater this and Atwater that. I would say that the streets were empty, but compared to some of the places north of here, it was full of hustle and bustle.

Non-photo day?

It is not often that I go a day without taking at least a couple of photographs, but that is what happened on Monday. It was not until 11:30 that night that I realized I did not have a picture for my Project 365. My picture of the day for day 291 is of Tanya and I in my obligatory daily photo.

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