Photos From Illinois

Illinois Sights [adrotate group=”6″] Valparaiso, IN To Springfield, IL Today, Tanya and I left Valparaiso, IN and began our journey back to Southern California. While our initial plans were to spend the night in Hannibal, MO we got a little distracted along the way. We came across the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in hopes on finding Lincoln’s tomb. As it turned out, he was not buried there. We hit up Google and discovered Abe was buried in Springfield, IL. Since it was on the way to Hannibal, the detour was made. Turned out to be a great idea. Many thanks …

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California, here we come

Day 118 of Project 365 and it is time to go west. My GPS says it is 2,000 miles and 30 hours away, but I have a feeling it is going to take a lot longer and cover many more miles than that. Today’s daily photo shows Tanya, Buddy and I packed and headed out the driveway.

Photos From Lake Michigan

Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore [adrotate group=”6″] Mt. Baldy Today, Tanya and I went to Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, on Lake Michigan. My initial impressions were that it was extremely cold. Buddy, my dog, thought it was a great place to run around. I was happy to get out of there without losing my hat, which I had to chase up a sand dune about three times before I said forget it, and just took it off. I will have to come back there when i return in July. I am sure it can be a nice place to visit, as …

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Reunited – Day 113 of Project 365

Project 365, Day 113 of my daily photo log. Last night was a pretty strenuous evening for everyone involved. Buddy got spooked and ran off into the darkness. As I figured he would, he eventually found a home with another dog and decided to walk inside their house. So, while we were frantic, cruising the neighborhoods and yelling out his name, he was kicked back enjoying the company of a doberman. I bought him a second dog tag today, with three of my telephone numbers on it. An advantage of this is that now it sounds like he is wearing …

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Goodbye My Friend

Day 112. Buddy ran off. Doubt I will ever see him again as he has no clue where he is and he was scared. I am bummed and pissed at myself. Not sure if I will continue this or not. Could be the end.

Photos From Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky and Illinois

Photos From Road Trip Day 10 [adrotate group=”6″] Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky and Illinois Day 10 of our road trip started off in Jonesboro, AR after spending a lovely evening with some friends that live there. We really did not know where we were going to travel to today, but as we were less than 600 miles from Tanya’s home, there was a good chance that this would be the last day of this leg of the trip. We ended up headed to Missouri and the Mississippi River. We took some side roads and drove along a levee which gave us …

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Photos From Mississippi, Tennessee and Arkansas

Road Trip Day 9 Photos [adrotate group=”6″] Mississippi, Tennessee and Arkansas I have to admit, I am beginning to forget what day this is or what time zone. We started today off by driving to Camp Shelby, in Hattiesburg to deliver some lip balm to the troops stationed there awaiting deployment to Afghanistan. Unfortunately, we did not have enough for everyone, but a few hundred tubes will help a few hundred people. After leaving Hattiesburg we decided to visit some friends in Arkansas. We has a great dinner there. Southern hospitality rocks. [adrotate group=”1″]

Photos From Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana

Road Trip Day 8 [adrotate group=”6″] Sights From Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana Yesterday, I commented that the plains of Texas and Oklahoma were, in a word, plain. Today was the opposite. We took I-35 south to I-20 east and it was quite scenic. It is easy to see why they call Louisiana the Sportsman’s Paradise. Tomorrow we pay a visit to Camp Shelby in Mississippi to deliver about 200 tubes of lip balm to troops headed to Afghanistan. Then, more sightseeing. [adrotate group=”1″]

Photos From Interstate 40

Road Trip Day Seven Photos [adrotate group=”6″] The Texas Panhandle and Oklahoma Day seven of our road trip was spent driving across the Texas panhandle and into Oklahoma. Lots of flat land, which is a radical difference from what we have been experiencing for the last week. We did stop in Groom, TX to get photos of what is billed as the largest cross in the western hemisphere. I did not have a tape measure with me, but I would not argue with them. It was pretty tall. [adrotate group=”1″]

Photos From New Mexico

Road Trip Day 6 [adrotate group=”6″] New Mexico Scenery Today is day six of our road trip. As we were headed east on I-40 we saw a sign informing us of a volcano and ice caves just 25 miles away. With all the news about volcanoes recently, a detour was in order. We ended up at Bandera Volcano and ice cave. It was pretty cool, no pun intended, and gave up a nice bit of exercise walking up and down the trails to see them. [adrotate group=”1″]

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