Another Take Charge Morning

One of my personality traits has to be commitment. Perhaps not in relationships, but when it comes to things like watching my diet, exercise, juicing and Project 365, I am pretty reliable. An example of this might be my use of Take Charge. I have never been a breakfast person. Even in high school my mom went out of her way to include instant breakfast in the food budget just so I had something before heading off to school. My photo of the day for day 326 is of my Take Charge breakfast mixed with Greek yogurt. I have only …

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Three Weeks Down

Remember when you were a kid? Thanksgiving meant a month until Christmas and it would be the longest month of the year. Of course, now that we are adults the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas seems to be last about a week and a half. My picture of the day for Sunday is of my new moustache after three weeks of growth. Remember, I have committed to growing a moustache this month to raise funds and bring awareness to the many cancers that affect men. Contributions are being accepted all month, so if you support the cause please visit my …

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Redondo Beach Brewing Company

Saturday is my new “me” day, it used to be Sundays but my son has Saturdays off and I enjoy going for bike rides with him. So, in honor of this change the weather was wet and my son got called in for overtime. I called Phil to see if he wanted to ride, but he wanted to wait on the weather. He called back later with a counter that I join him and his wife at the Redondo Beach Brewing Company. My picture of the day for day 324 is of the beer sampler I got. I liked the …

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Slowly But Surely

It is time to see if I can start to sculpt something with this moustache. The hard part about this is that my hair grows at different speeds and colors on different parts of my face. I may end up having to take some drastic measures. My photo of the day for day 323 is my face with 19 days of growth. Not very impressive, I know. What is impressive is the money that people have donated to the Movember cause. Donations are being accepted all month, so please visit my Movember page and donate whatever you can afford. Thanks.

Healthy Dinner

Tanya went back home to Indiana, which means it is time for me to get back on my healthy diet. Since we were on the road most of last week it was difficult for me to continue my juicing. We both use Take Charge in the morning, so it was just a matter of picking up some yogurt at the local 7-11 and we were set for the beginning of the day. It was just a matter of finding something good for you for dinner. My photo of the day for Thursday is a before shot of my dinner. I …

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A Movember Recruit

My good friend, Phil, upon seeing me shave my face bare so I could participate in Movember’s fund raising attempts decided that he would grow a moustache for the month as a sign of solidarity. I find it interesting that there are people like him that can not wait for December 1 so they can shave again, while I can not wait to start growing again. My photo of the day for Wednesday is of Phil and I comparing our growth thus far. While being a blonde may have had its advantages as a youth, it sure does not help …

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A Very Rare Day

As you may have guessed, I take a lot of photographs. I usually have a camera with me, so it is not unusual for me to snap off 10 pictures a day just taking Buddy for a walk, or hanging around the house. For some reason, on Tuesday I did not take any photos until 10:30 PM when I realized I had not taken my Project 365 photo for the day. My picture of the day for day 320 is of Tanya and me relaxing on our last evening together for the next two weeks.

Project 365 Hits Big Sur

I am a 5th generation Californian, and I am extremely proud of that fact as we are few and far between. I am also constantly bragging about what a beautiful state California is. When Tanya and I first met I was always encouraging her to come visit to see that it was all I claimed it was. I will never forget the first time I took her down Hwy 1 through Big Sur. I thought she was going to suffer whiplash from all the rapid spinning of her head to catch as much scenery as possible. My photo of the …

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Since I was in the neighborhood, I met up with my friend Lars, the team captain of team Legendary MOBRO for a photo op of our new moustache growth. I think his is coming in better than mine. My photo of the day for day 318 is of Lars and myself. As a reminder, I have committed to growing a moustache this month to raise funds and bring awareness to the many cancers that affect men. Contributions are being accepted all month, so if you support the cause please visit my page on

Photos Of the California Coastline

Photos From CA Hwy 1 Santa Cruz to San Simeon After a fun evening in Santa Cruz we grabbed some coffee and headed down CA Hwy 1. It was another spectacular day and it held promise for some great coastline photos. We were not disappointed. The CA coastline actually faces north, south and west so depending on the direction faced the scenery can be quite different, from calm blue coves to tumultuous waves crashing on the gigantic rocks that are prevalent along the coast in that area. If you have never driven along the California coastline, you owe it to …

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