Seriously, it is painful to sit and type at my laptop lately as I have injured myself. Unfortunately, my doctor is incompetent and my insurance company forces me to jump through hoops, so I guess I will have to toughen up for a while. It also means that most likely my photo a day project will be done in bursts rather than daily. So, here we go with a summary of the last few days.
As my regular readers now, I am quite fond of Gu Gu Sushi and they created the roll for me. Since then I have had friends from all over the US and around the world come into town and make their way out to Hermosa Beach to try it. My picture of the day for day 250 is of my friend Jenni at Gu Gu. She flew in from Tampa so she could try the GotBaddog roll. She loved it.
Wednesday, I decided that I needed some help with my shoulder and since I absolutely can not stand my general practitioner, I decided to get a massage and see if she could get the knot out. Within 10 minutes of being on the table she told me it was her opinion I had a torn rotator cuff and that I needed to see a doctor.
My picture of the day for day 251 of of the shoulder that is giving me so much grief.

While I suspect part of the problem with my shoulder has to do with the fact that I have a 65 pound dog suddenly tugging at the leash twice a day, I can not really make Buddy suffer just because I am. I will now hold the leash in my left hand and Buddy seems to have figured out something is going on, so he is being more considerate.
My photo of the day for day 252 is Buddy and I on another morning walk.

They say dogs live for the moment, perhaps that is the common denominator between Buddy and I, besides both being so danged handsome. All I know for sure is that no matter how long my separation from Buddy, be it five minutes or five weeks, he is always just as glad to see me return.
My picture of the day for day 253 is Buddy, happy to see my return from the store.

Yesterday, I flew to Chicago to pick up Tanya for our trip to Europe. The Kiwanis Club of Valparaiso had their 20th Annual Hot Air Balloonfest so we stopped by to get some pictures. I was hoping to get a ride in one, but they said it was too windy. Did not seem like it to me, but I am not an expert.
My photo of the day for day 254 is of yours truly after several of the balloons got airborne. I guess it is time for me to shut down and get airborne myself.