Kick Up Your Heels

I often tell passersby that Buddy has never met a day he did not like. Granted, there may be the occasional rainy morning, but he still is more excited about them than I ever am. My photo of the day number 350 is of Buddy, kicking up his heels, in celebration of a new day.

Invasion of the Christmas Leprechauns

As Buddy and I were taking our morning walk, I was alarmed to see that the neighborhood appears to be under some sort of an invasion. Judging by the size of the invaders combined with all the clover around them, I came to the conclusion that these must be Christmas Leprechauns. My photo of the day for day 348 is of a contingent of the invasion force.

For Those That Missed It

I have visited flyover states this time of year, and I can understand how you might forget what a sunny, blue sky looks like. For you, my photo of the day for day 347 is of Mr. Sun and me, on my Monday morning walk, December 13. Enjoy.

My Little Biker Babe

Since I purchased the new Limited, Tanya has begun riding more with me and takes longer rides. Unfortunately, sometimes the rides can be a little tough on her due to her RA. I was planning on taking her to Chopperfest on Sunday, but by Friday she was hurting to the point that she decided she would stay home. By Saturday evening she decided that if I gave her a proper massage, she would be able to make it. My photo of the day for day 346 is of Tanya and I at Chopperfest. As you can tell by the smile, …

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Panhead Roli

In 1987, I had made plans to ride my bike to Daytona Beach, FL for Bike Week. A friend of mine from up north heard about it and told me that he was hanging out with some Swiss guy that was also riding to Daytona and suggested that we should ride together. I took his recommendation and told him to give the Swiss guy my address. A few weeks later, a long-haired guy with a big smile, and very little English, showed up on my porch. A couple hours later we headed out in the rain towards Florida. To make …

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Is it winter yet?

There are several reasons why I live in Southern California and being able to go to the beach in the middle of December wearing a t-shirt ranks right up there. Since Tanya’s time here is drawing to a close, and the weather was so nice, we decided to go up to the Palos Verdes Peninsula in search of a dog beach I recently heard about. My picture of the day for day 344 is a candid photo Tanya took while we were out exploring the cliffs and shore of the Rancho PV.

Our First Christmas Card

Tanya and I have been dating for more than three years, but there are certain things we have never done together. We have never celebrated Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Years together. It was not until this past July that we were together on my birthday. I guess we are now officially one step closer to being accepted as a couple. We got our first Christmas card that was addressed to the two of us. My picture of the day for day 343 is of Tanya and I holding our first Christmas card that we received from our friends, Phil and …

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341 Days Later

Tanya wanted to go to Barnes & Noble to do some research. I was planning on buying The Kid some books for Christmas, so it made sense to tag along and finish up my Christmas shopping. I bought four classics and Tanya discovered she already owned the best book for her needs. Since our errands were complete and Lucille’s was across the parking lot, we decided to stop by for dinner. While eating I recalled that my very first Project 365 photo was taken at Lucille’s. I decided that my photo of the day for day 342 would be of …

341 Days Later Continue »


Next to finding a photo worth taking each day, probably the most difficult part of Project 365 is thinking of something interesting to say about the photo. Today is a perfect example of this. My picture of the day for day 341 is of Buddy. At the end of every walk, Buddy lets me remove his Gentle Leader and leash, then he sits, watching the house, waiting for the signal to get his furry butt over there and in the back yard.

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