My Legacy

It is not easy to make a real contribution to society, but I feel I have done my part by through my children. Both of them have devoted their lives to helping others. I could go on and on about how much better they make this world, but them you would just think I was a bragging father. If you spent five minutes with either you would know it was more that just me being a proud father. My photo of the day for day 310 is of me with my daughter and son. This is my contribution to making …

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Ever Changing

I had not been to Gu Gu Sushi in a couple of weeks for some unexplainable reason, so Catherine (my long time friend and assistant) went out last night to celebrate her birthday. Luckily, we both enjoy Gu Gu’s sushi. My picture of the day for Friday is the latest version of the roll. The original version was quite timely to prepare, so Song has been modifying it as he goes along. This is actually a great dish for someone that is just getting into sushi and is not comfortable with the whole raw fish thing.

More Like It

It seems like only yesterday, or last week, that I was complaining about how wet it was around here. Now, I am noticing several of my Facebook friends complaining about how hot it is. It is really easy to tell which of them have not lived here long enough to figure out that this is LA. This is the time of year that we shine, literally and figuratively. My photo of the day today is of the view from my front porch as Buddy and I headed out for our morning walk.

A Watched Pot Never Boils

I have to admit, I have tested the idiom (I think it is an idiom) above and while it does take significantly longer to boil than if you just put it on the stove and drove to the 7-11, it will eventually boil. I am getting the feeling that a watched moustache never grows. My picture of the day shows what little progress has been made in the last three days. As a reminder, I have committed to growing a moustache this month to raise funds and bring awareness to the many cancers that affect men. Contributions are being accepted …

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Happy Birthday, Dad

80 years ago today, November 2, 1930, Ras Tafari crowned Haile Selassie I, 225th emperor of Solmonic Dynasty. He was the guy that coined the popular phrase, “It is much easier to show compassions to animals. They are never wicked.” Also, my dad was born. I do not think he ever had a problem showing compassion for people. In other news, it is taking forever for my moustache to come back in, as displayed in my photo of the day. Oh yeah, if you have not voted yet, turn off your computer and go vote. Thank you.

Movember Begins

It is Movember. I have committed to growing a moustache this month to raise funds and bring awareness to the many cancers that affect men. Contributions are being accepted all month, so if you support the cause please visit my page on My picture of the day for day 305 of Project 365 is of my face as it started the month.

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