Another gloomy day

Day 48 of Project365 started way too early. Combine that with a cold and dreary morning and it makes for a very long day. Since I do try to find a positive side, I was slammed with work as soon as I arose, so by the time I was able to take Buddy for his walk the sun did have some height to it. Unfortunately, it also had a very large cloud covering it.

Hard to find shadows

I am sure glad this is a short month. Trying to use a shadow theme without much sunlight is making this a difficult task. I have had to resort to timing my morning walks for when there is a cloud break coming up. Sometimes, I do not even have time to get the camera out before the clouds eliminate whatever shadow I threw. My photo of the day for day 47 of Project365 was taken during a brief glimpse of sunlight.

Winter Green

Was a nice morning. Sunny and brisk out. I normally would have gone out for a bike ride, but Tanya had things to do and she is coming out tomorrow, so I decided to stick around. Took a nice long walk this morning, did a little laundry, then took a ride out to Newport Beach to try a new sushi place with some friends. The company was great, the food was good. That is the problem, I judge all sushi against Gu Gu, and anyone that has been there knows that is not fair. All in all, a good lazy …

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Colder than I thought

Yesterday, Buddy and I wanted to show our solidarity with friends and family that are being hit hard with the winter storms. To achieve this, I put together a little “snow scene” as we would imagine it to be like in Indiana or Wisconsin. I have to admit, I was a little surprised to see that our snow still had not melted by this morning. Granted, it had not grown in size, and schools were not being closed as a result, but for Southern California, it was pretty cold. My photo of the day for day 34 of Project365 is …

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Another Groundhog Day

Believe it or not, February 2, Groundhog Day, has long been one of my favorite holidays. Okay, maybe there are no greeting cards, but maybe that is what makes it so special. I don’t know if you were able to see your shadow today or not, but I could see mine. Day 33 of Project 365 is proof that shadows were viewable. Not sure how that effects the seasons though.

I need to pick it up a bit

This year is getting a slow start on my photo of the day project. It does not help that I have been out of town for at least half of the month. I will get this caught up today, if I can. My picture of the day for day 5 is of another cold morning walk. I have had enough of winter this year.

I can say I am anywhere

One of the advantages I found to my picture of the day project is that when I look back through the past year I can look at a photo and almost immediately remember where I was on that day. The weather around here lately makes it look like I am somewhere other than Southern California. Day 3 of 2011 finds me still home but it looks like I might be in Indiana.

Different year, same weather

I decided that I was going to discontinue visiting Indiana in the winter, but the way things have been around here lately, I do not see much difference. Yeah, I know they have snow, but it is not as nearly as wet as rain. My picture of the day for day two of 2011 was taken on another dreary morning in Southern California. Rain, rain, please go away.

Time to start a new year

I am going to continue with my photo of the day project, also known as Project 365. While I really had to force myself to complete the project for 2010, I did it and I am glad I did. I had thought about switching it up a little, like have a different theme each month, but I am not sure how I want to approach this. I guess for now I will see if I can do an entire month with me in the daily photo. Last year, I made it 18 days before I started using photos of inanimate …

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