Ever since I returned from Europe I had been forced to suck it up as far as the pain was concerned. I discovered I had another medical issue that would not be helped by my use of such pain killers as Ibuprofen. When the new doctor provided me with steroids and they were actually working, I was pretty elated. Last Sunday I had tried to carry a venti mocha from Starbucks back home. I was able to do it, but it was not easy. Today was my third day on the steroids and I pretty much felt invincible. Well, not quite, but I could tell that I was getting stronger, or at least hurting less.
My photo of the day for day 283 was taken on my walk to Starbucks, to see if this Sunday walk was easier than last Sunday’s walk. It was a lot easier. I probably could have carried a half gallon of milk with little discomfort.