Business & Beer joins Meetup at Sophie’s Place

These photos are from our Business & Beer/Meetup event that we had last night at Sophie’s Place, one of our favorite gastropubs, located in the Riviera Village in Redondo Beach, CA. We had a nice turnout of eight with a couple of them coming as a direct result of our using as a networking tool. Since the group was a little smaller than normal, it gave us an opportunity to interact more with our new guests. Our hosts, Sophie’s Place, even gave Tanya a slice of carrot cake (which she sliced up to share) and we had a rousing …

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Celebrating Tanya’s birthday & health

Wednesday was Tanya’s birthday and since she has been feeling much better over that past couple of months, combined with the fact that she has been working pretty hard lately, we decided to take a couple days off to celebrate her birthday. We started off on Wednesday at Matsuyama Japanese Restaurant & Sushi Bar and had a couple friends join us. Anyone that has been following this blog for a while knows that we are huge fans of Matsuyama Sushi, so that was a good start to the day. We then decided to go out to Palos Verdes to see …

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A visit to Babe’s Bar-B-Que Brewhouse & Alpine Beer Co

Last week I had a trade show to photograph out in the Phoenix, AZ area, so I had an opportunity to visit a couple brewpubs during my travels. We decided to leave on Tuesday evening and drive out to Indio to get out of the city and have an easier drive into Tempe the next day. We set our sights on Babe’s Bar-B-Que & Brewhouse in Rancho Mirage. To be honest, we targeted Babe’s for their peach pie; I had completely forgotten they were a brewpub. Naturally I got a flight, and each selection seemed perfectly suited for the desert. …

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Business & Beer returns to El Segundo Brewing Co

These photos are from our Business & Beer meetup last night at El Segundo Brewing Company (ESBC), a microbrewery in downtown El Segundo that specializes in great ales. We had a nice turnout of 10, which is pretty good considering that ESBC is the most northern location we visit. Unfortunately, our use of did nothing to strengthen our numbers this time around; but we will give them a try for another month. If you know of or own a gastropub in the South Bay area that we have not visited and you feel would be a great location for …

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2nd Annual Soldiers Supporting Soldiers, Westminster, CA

Saturday the Soldiers for Jesus MC held their 2nd Annual Soldiers Supporting Soldiers Run, as a fundraiser, at the Westminster Elks Lodge 2346, Home of the Beefeaters. The Soldiers for Jesus MC (SFJMC) held the event to collect items to be sent to an Army unit stationed in Afghanistan. They collected things like playing cards, pre-paid phone cards, disposable cameras, and basic amenities like socks. In return for a cash and item donation we were treated to some food and live music provided by the Anonymous. There was also a 50/50 raffle to help generate cash. There were quite a …

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Business & Beer returns to 1321 Downtown Taproom Bistro

Last night, Business & Beer returned to the 1321 Downtown Taproom Bistro for the second time; and Meetup joined us for the third consecutive week. It seems that Meetup is helping our networking group grow a little at a time, with two or three new attendees as a direct result of Meetup and a couple of them are becoming regular attendees. With the combination of Facebook, Meetup and word of mouth, BusinessNBeer is growing and business connections are being made. It is fun to sit back and watch as our attendees introduce themselves to each other and discover that there …

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Meetup with the Original Sinners RC

My regular readers are probably aware that our business networking group, Business & Beer, recently joined in an attempt to build on the number of attendees at our weekly gatherings. For those unaware of what Meetup is, it is an online social media site that allows people with common interests to set up offline gatherings. In other words, a social media portal that actually encourages you to get away from Facebook and Twitter for a while. Whether you are looking for a business networking group or people to hunt butterflies with you, there is a good chance can …

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1st Annual Froth Awards: No green beer allowed

Sunday, St. Patrick’s Day, and what better way to celebrate than to enjoy some of the best beers brewed in the South Bay at the Easy Reader 1st Annual Froth Awards held at Saint Rocke in Hermosa Beach. They called it the Froth Awards, but I do not think it was as much a competition as an award of recognition to the rising stars of brewing in the South Bay. The day consisted of live music to accompany the food and beer pairings that were provided. The winners were those that attended; we got some great beer, food and music. …

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Strand Brewing Company Bottle Release Weekend

It seems like there is a lot of action in the beer world around here lately and today was no exception. Strand Brewing Company, a microbrewery out of Torrance that my regular readers have undoubtedly heard me mention on numerous occasions, has graduated to the next step in the ranks of professional brewers; they are now bottling some of their beers. These photos were taken at their tasting room on Saturday afternoon as the first bottles became available. Their first round of 16.9 oz bottled beers consists of their Beach House Amber, 24th Street Pale Ale, Atticus IPA and their …

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The Dudes’ Brewing Kickoff Weekend

This weekend, the South Bay welcomed the latest microbrewery to the Southern California beer brewing scene, The Dudes’ Brewing Company which is located in Torrance, CA. Unlike most microbreweries, The Dudes’ does not currently have a tasting room, but rather have decided to break onto the scene by selling kegs to bars and restaurants, and will begin canning and distributing sometime in June of this year. There is talk of opening a tasting room in 2014 after they have their operation running exactly how they want. The Dudes’ are having four kickoff parties this weekend, beginning at Hot’s Kitchen in …

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