Torrance residents: Be careful out there

If you follow current events in Torrance you are probably aware of the decision to install permissive blinking yellow lights for left turn lanes and certain major intersections in the city. The intent, of which I am in favor, is to allow cars that are sitting in the left lane at a red light with no oncoming traffic to proceed with caution. It is a great concept that I am sure everyone agrees is long overdue; however, when these signals are installed they also need to be programmed and apparently they are not being programmed correctly or whomever decided on …

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Urgent message to all LA County pet owners

I started blogging close to 15 years ago and I have never written an article that was this important or difficult to write; first, a little back-story. Pictured above are my daughter Jess with her two Golden Retrievers, Heidi and Lauren. While most dog owners will tell you how important their dogs are to them; Lauren and Heidi were truly special animals. They helped my daughter through a tough divorce and they were very therapeutic for her in her personal life as she works as a social worker specializing in investigating the worst of the worst child abuse cases. The …

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Rename Columbia Park AYSO Park

Regular readers may recall that back in October I wrote an article entitled, Columbia Park, Torrance: Pay to play? To recap, the west end of Columbia Park was closed for renovations on May 20, 2013 for what was to be “no more than thirty (30) calendar days.” Apparently contracts mean little in the City of Torrance and instead of opening 30 days later, it was reopened September 21, 2013! When it reopened it was littered with barriers that had signs attached advising everyone that if they wanted to use the field from now on, they had to get a permit …

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Columbia Park, Torrance: Pay to play?

I have a feeling this is going to be a multi-post story; so let’s start at the beginning. Regular readers know I have two dogs, Buddy & Hershey, and they get walked twice a day, every day. To keep things interesting for the dogs we were in the habit of frequently changing the route we would walk; we might walk around the South Bay Galleria, or several neighborhood blocks and we would include the various walking paths in Columbia Park. Well, we used to walk around Columbia Park up until May 20, 2013 when we discovered the west side of …

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Torrance Chamber of Commerce: Would I join again? Pros and Cons

When I started writing the story about my experience with the Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce (TACC), I knew that this would have to be broken up into at least three parts. There was too much to say, and it would have been ancient history by the time I got everything documented in the proper order. My goal in the first two parts was simple; give the back story to my time with the TACC and what happened when I was called into Donna Duperon’s office. I did my best to not editorialize or give my opinion; I wanted to …

Torrance Chamber of Commerce: Would I join again? Pros and Cons Continue »

TACC Chairman of the Board: Less than .5% of membership are complaining

Since this is part two of my saga with the Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce (TACC); and some may not have read part one, I will summarize to bring you up to speed. I photograph everything. I use the photos to promote people and places. We joined the TACC last December. I photographed many TACC events, gave free publicity to local businesses that are Chamber members, promoted non-profits and shot an event at the request of the TACC President and CEO, Donna Duperron. On August 9, Donna told me camera was no longer allowed at Chamber events, even though other …

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Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce: We never asked for free exposure

I am going to preface this story by saying I intentionally did not start writing this yesterday because I did not want my anger to get in the way of my words. To be honest, I could have started writing this back on August 9 when this all started. The writing was on the wall, the Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce (TACC) President/CEO and Chairman of the Board just wanted to make it official. I also want to say that I have met some very nice people at TACC and if I speak negatively about the TACC it is based …

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If you are in Arizona, you may be pregnant

They say truth is stranger than fiction, and if this does not prove it, I am not sure what will. I am talking about Arizona’s recently passed House Bill 2036, which contains the following language: “Gestational age” means the age of the unborn child as calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period of the pregnant woman.” You might want to read that again. Arizona’s legislators have written into law that a woman is now pregnant prior to conception. I graduated from high school in 1971, which means I have not taken a Biology class since 1969 or …

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Hard Rock Hotel asked for free advertising

Last week I was in Las Vegas for a trade show that was being held at the Hard Rock Hotel. While I have a place in Vegas, my girlfriend likes the pillows at the Hard Rock so when business calls me to Vegas and the event is held at the Hard Rock Hotel, we opt to stay there rather than a mile away at my place. Within a couple days of my arrival, I received an email from their “media specialist” who had seen links to one of my other blogs on several other websites. He wanted me to “spread …

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Geek Squad Mafia

The most difficult part of this post was coming up with a title that reflected how I feel about the Geek Squad or Best Buy. Another contender was “Best Buy Is Not.” You might get the impression that I am a little pissed off by Best Buy and their Geek Squad, and you would be correct. Here is the tale of my impressions of Best Buy and their team of nerds. A little over a year ago, I purchased an H-P laptop for my assistant to use for company related tasks. I thought it would be a good idea if …

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